Why do heads of states not need fingerprinting for Schengen visa?


Accepted answer

Why fingerprint visa applicants in general? You can check to see whether someone is using multiple identities; you can ensure a consistent identity for someone even if they have multiple citizenships and travel documents; you can check to see whether someone is on a watchlist of people suspected of crimes or security threats; and you can check to see whether someone has a past immigration history you need to be aware of.

None of those apply to royals and heads of state. If a head of state is traveling for official purposes, the details of their visit have already been coordinated between the involved governments. Heads of state don't just show up unannounced at the consulate or visa application center with an application; countries will have an office in the foreign ministry that arranges everything for official visits (e.g. for the US). You're not going to suddenly discover that they have a past overstay history or that there's a warrant out for their arrest and deny them a visa. Countries don't have a need to make absolutely sure that this Queen Elizabeth is really the same Queen Elizabeth that visited before.

In addition, royals and heads of state are generally considered very busy, and it would be uncourteous, if not downright rude, to require them to take the time to be fingerprinted when it serves no useful purpose. As phoog notes, diplomatic courtesy and protocol are important when governments interact, and imposing a fingerprint requirement would violate that for no real benefit.

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