Schengen visa flexibility


In principle, a Schengen visa whith "Schengen States" (or the equivalent in the national language) allows you to visit any Schengen state.

You can adjust your itinerary during the trip, even visiting states that were not on your itinerary. However, you may not misrepresent your travel plans to get that visa. It is up to you to avoid this impression, because the problem will be yours and not the immigration officers'.

So in practice you can adjust your trip if the main purpose is clearly the same, and if you can document that. Perhaps you arrive in Amsterdam instead of Frankfurt because you found a cheaper flight. Or you planned to drive a car from Copenhagen to Rome and you decide to drive through Switzerland instead of Austria. (It helps if you have documentation for your entire trip with you, should that be challenged.)

If you are already in the Schengen area, and you manage to travel without a paper trail, of course you can cheat the system. But if Schengen authorities suspect that you do that, you might have a hard time getting your next visa.

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