Parking in Prague center


Park and Ride (P+R)

Car parks mostly around the outskirts of Prague (however some of them are closer) with good access to public transport (similar to e.g., Vienna) are the cheapest and convenient method of parking in the city for less than 7 days.

  • Costs around: €1/day + extra €4/night.

  • Capacity: They usually have hundreds (even thousands) of parking spots.

Tip: You can check the number of currently unoccupied parking spots here.

Regular on-street parking and commercial parking lots

Regular on-street parking lots in and around the city center are considered PPZ (Paid Parking Zones) that are basically meant for residents and local businesses. You can still park there, but only for a limited period of time each day (usually a few hours) and after paying a parking fee (via a parking meter - either virtual or regular one). The price depends on the color of the zone, the district (even the street), and the day of the week. On the other hand, you are free to use commercial parking, which usually costs around €20/day.


It depends on where exactly you want to park, as Prague is subdivided into multiple sectors with different price levels. Recently, they also introduced a zoned parking system:

In short, this means that when in a zoned area, you can only park in the street in the purple zones for a maximum of 24 hours at a time, or in orange zones for up to three hours. You can buy a ticket in a machine or pay through the app (the cost is the same). You can also park in the blue zone for up to three hours, but in that case you have to use the app to pay.

If you won't be using your car daily and need to leave it parked for a longer time, you would have to use one of the commercial parking lots:

However, if cost is the main factor, it would be much cheaper to leave your car somewhere outside central Prague (for example on one of the P+R parking lots) and use public transport.

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