How can I go from Bangalore to Jamaica without transiting via UK or US?


I have spent some time trying to find relevant routes for you. Basically, it is really hard to avoid USA and Canada if you want to get to Jamaica. Still, I have found a route through UK with Thomson to reach Montego Bay. You should find flights through Guyana (which has direct connections to Jamaica).


You can fly Candor via Germany - Hamburg to Montego bay


By performing a skyscanner search from Jamaica to "Everywhere" with direct flights only and whole month checked, you can get a list of posibilities of where you might transfer.

The list includes several non-uk European countries. Of course, you should watch out for any flights that take place wholly within the Schengen area, as they will require a Schengen visa.

If you can transfer at one airport within the UK, while Indian citizens to need a Direct Airside Transit Visa, I do not think that the requirements for this are very onerous.

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