Mentioning new date in Schengen visa Appeal


There are several reasons why lodging an appeal with new dates makes little sense:

  • You are effectively lodging a new application, you might as well do that properly. An appeal makes sense if you want to point out a mistake in the way the law was applied, not if you want to provide a whole lot of new information. Most of the documentation you originally submitted (itinerary, etc.) will not be valid anymore and even if you do submit convincing new documentation, the original decision could still be upheld on the grounds that it was the right decision based on the information available at the time…

  • You have no idea how long an appeal might last. A member of my family is currently waiting on an appeal for a French long-stay visa (slightly different procedure but still) for over a year. A new application is cheaper and quicker when that's an option.

  • Being willing to choose arbitrary dates and wanting to go to France ASAP undermines the credibility of your plans. It appears that you are doing a holiday on New Year's eve each year, that's a very good thing. You could for example go somewhere else this year and reapply next year to France or another Schengen country, joining a letter highlighting that you are going to a different place each year and what you changed since your last application.

  • They selected three different reasons to refuse the visa. It's not a small issue that could be fixed easily, you will want to review the application very carefully (ideally with the help of a legal professional with expertise in French/Schengen visas) before trying again.

Beyond that, you can have a look at the following questions to understand what the grounds for refusal mean and what you could do differently next time:

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