72h visa-free transit in Shanghai when passing through the same transit point


Accepted answer

This is not a transit through Shanghai. The Chinese authorities will only care about where your flight to Shanghai originated, and, where your flight out of Shanghai ends. As you clearly have seen, the country you are arriving from must be different than the one you are going to. Since your itinerary has you arriving from and departing to the same country, this is not a transit trip.

Emirates will (should) check your visa before they allow you on the flight from Dubai to Shanghai. They do this because if you don't have a valid visa, the Chinese authorities will fine them and charge them with the cost of deporting you. If they know anything about their visas, they will know that you don't meet the requirements for a valid transit visa, and you will be denied boarding onto the flight from Dubai to Shanghai.

If Emirates fails to stop you from getting on the flight, when you arrive in Shanghai you will be denied a transit visa. This can result in several things as mentioned in comments. This includes potentially large fines and/or indefinitely jail time until your certain deportation.


I found this link to contain information (sometimes with a focus on U.S. citizens) with great detail.

It clearly states that for the 72h vise-free transit it counts the country of the last airport you transited in, i.e. the above itinerary via Dubai would not be valid.

UPDATE: also this link gives a great depth of information and confirms the above.

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