Do they still have border controls in the highways when you travel to croatia like before?


I crossed the border from Slovenia into Croatia a few weeks after they joined the EU (but not Schengen yet), it was merely a few guys checking your passport and stamping it, not even one question asked about who I am or what I was going to do in Croatia, neither anyone else accompanying me. I believe the situation must be even smoother now, given that Croatia is hopefully joining Schengen soon.


Border police in former eastern Europa can behave different from most of Europa. Some years ago I was travelling with a Australian student - who had all the proper paperwork. However, he was denied entry into the Czech Republic. This was before they became a part of Schengen (2004 or so).

They had no reason to do it, it was purely based on a whim.

Call the Croatian embassy in Sweden - and ask what you need to do to be sure to get entry. Get a name and some contact info you can call if you have problems.

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