Do I require a transit visa for Cuba?



Passengers in transit are exempt from visa or tourist card requirements if their transit time does not exceed 72 hours. They are allowed to enter Cuba.1

Source. Select:

  • Country : Cuba
  • Section : Visas
  • Subsection : TWOV


According to Timatic you don't need a visa if you have a confirmed ticket and leave within 72 hours:

TWOV (Transit Without Visa):

Visa required, except for Holders of confirmed onward tickets

However, according to a Lonely Planet discussion on the same subject:

According to this website you don't need a visa to Cuba when transit is under 72 hours, only have to show airline ticket for next flight.

But don't be to sure that the person in immigration booth know that, since they often are not full trained in the immigration rules, in case problems ask for a supervisor that knows the rules.

So I would suggest contacting a Cuban consulate to get a clarification on the situation since it doesn't seem like transit is a fairly common occurrence in Havana's airport.

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