If the airline found the bag AND you provided a specific delivery address when you filed the lost bag report, then they are responsible for delivering the bag to you at that address.
If the airline found the bag, but you did not specify a alternate delivery address (ie you were still traveling or such), then they are responsible for informing you (which sounds like may have happened). Once informed that the bag has been found, you need to make arrangements with them for final delivery.
In both cases there is no law regarding how fast they have to get the bag to you, though usually it is simply a matter of putting a new bag tag and send it on its way. Procedures on what customs might need to do when your bag arrives depend on the countries involved.
If the bag has been found and you have been duly notified, then you have no claim for lost items or time. If you had to purchase essentials such as some clothes to wear or mandatory toiletries, then, if you can document costs (ie you have receipts), you can try to claim those costs.
Unfortunately, airlines do not accept liability claims for perishable items, those travel at your own risk, irregardless of the cause of any delay.