Too many foreign passports for ESTA


What should I do?

  1. Ask support what to do (use the phone number or link at the bottom left of the ESTA application page).
  2. Wait for the answer, which may take longer than ususal because of the government shutdown.
  3. After you get the answer, return to this site, post it as an answer to this question, and accept it by clicking the green check mark.

If you are traveling so soon that you need to submit the ESTA application before you receive an answer from support, list the most recent passport or national ID card from each non-VWP country, then list the two next-most-recently-issued expired or stolen documents from those countries, and submit your application.

Would I have any problems if I omit the oldest one (stolen and expired), and mention the other four?

It's extremely unlikely.

Or do I need to give up thinking about ESTA and get a visa instead?

Only if your ESTA application is denied.

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