Using a US phone in Europe


Accepted answer

Considering that if your phone were unlocked, you could probably get a local SIM card for a few tens of euros/pounds for an entire month, yes, that sounds quite possible. Check its terms carefully as the flat charge may not apply in all countries in Europe. Check also to ensure that data will work as expected without sublimits.


I used this service when I went to five European countries in March/April 2016, and it works pretty much exactly as advertised – you’re basically paying Verizon a $10 per day surcharge to pretend your phone is in the US when it isn’t (and thus, you just use your normal pool of minutes/texts/data).

The good thing about this approach is that you still have your US number, so communicating with anyone in the US is not treated as an international call/text.

The bad thing about it is that if you’re calling/texting someone in the foreign country, it is treated exactly as if you made the call from the US - that is, you’re paying international rates to call them and vice versa.

Still, it’s a nice setup and once you opt in, it’s automatic – you only get the surcharge on days you use the phone on the cell towers of a foreign country.

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