Consequences of withholding information for a UK visa


As far as I remember, UK visa forms allow you to put extra information on a separate piece of paper. So I would suggest doing that to explain the situation exactly. Hope this helps.. our visa policy is a bloody mess, good luck!


In the situation you have described, there's a relevant decision from the Tribunal which was handed down in 2010. The Tribunal determined that non-disclosure was the same thing as lying. Part of the determination says...

β€œWhen a direct question is asked, and answered untruthfully, there is both a false representation and a non-disclosure; and it is not open to an Appellant who gives an untruthful answer to a direct question in an application form to say that the matter was not material.”

Source: Tribunal Kenya [2010] UKUT 165 (IAC)

We observe from Section 5.9 of the application that it is a direct question...

enter image description here

What that means is you should answer the questions on the form. If you think the ECO will get confused, you can add a clarifying explanation. If you don't answer the questions (or withhold information) and you get caught, then they can exercise Paragraph 320 to ban you.

Somewhat related (deception by silence at a UK port): Reapply for Visa or Take Chance at Border?

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