In which countries (or states) can a traveler smoke weed and not face any legal charges?


It is also legal or decriminalized in Washington State(US), the US Virgin Islands, Jamaica (surprisingly, only since last month), North Korea, Bangladesh, and Uruguay.


Marijuana appears to be freely available for tourists in North Korea and surprisingly this appears to be the only country where tourists can smoke anywhere without fear of prosecution.

According to multiple reports from defectors, visitors and experts, North Korea either has no law against the sale and consumption of weed, or it has a law that is largely unenforced.

Just last week, a 29-year-old freelance writer from England wrote an account on his blog explaining how he purchased a grocery bag full of weed at an indoor market in rural North Korea and smoked it with impunity both at outdoor parks and monuments, as well as in restaurants and bars.

Although the author later mentioned that the weed wasn't as strong as the one sold in Europe.

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