If you want a more comfortable stay at Heathrow there are many hotels at Heathrow airport : http://www.heathrow-airport-guide.co.uk/hotels.html
You can certainly stay in the airport. A friend detailed his 24 hours that he spent in Heathrow.
Of course, whether it's better or not is up to you. You'll probably get a better night's sleep in a hotel, but some people can sleep anywhere. I've slept in a variety of airports, or at least attempted to - some are better than others. Some have quiet corners, some are crowded, and others have security stopping you sleeping there.
You can always use sleepinginairports.net as a guide for your decision, if that helps.
Can confirm from my personal experience today, there is a No. 1 lounge in Terminal 3 where you can stay overnight in Heathrow for Β£60 that includes sleeping pod, shower and some food.
Not the best option, but decent if you have visa issues or really early morning flight