Does Canada accept the EU covid certificate as a proof of vaccination?


Accepted answer


Having made the trip I can report on my experiences. I was asked for my ArriveCAN and PCR test result on several locations including the departing airport check-in counter and various checks before and after boarding, but I was asked once for the proof of vaccination, at a special transit Corona check site on Toronto airport. The attendant accepted my International Certificate of Vaccination booklet, even though she said she had never seen such a thing before - but she saw my EU DCC too and told me that by far most travelers use that as a proof of vaccination. From what I gather, the print version is accepted as a valid proof of Covid-19 vaccination.

Of course your mileage may vary, as may Canada's entry rules, but if EU DCC is your only available vaccination receipt then I believe you still have a good chance of being let into Canada.

Note that I ended up having my connecting flight cancelled due to bad weather. That's travel!


Partially relevant to the original question and good to know: after spending a couple weeks in Canada, I have found that every establishment I've come across that asked for a proof of vaccination (food courts, cinemas) recognise the EUDCC and accept it as a proof combined with a photo ID.

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