Sydney International to International transfer, no baggage. Possible to stay and transit via Airside only?


As stated in Timatic, the database used by Airlines:

TWOV (Transit Without Visa): Passengers with onward tickets in Transit [...] for a maximum transit time of 8 hours.

"TWOV:ing" means not leaving the transit area, so yes, it is possible. E-tickets are valid for getting to the departures area directly, or there should be a transfer desk

That said, you're unlikely to get on the flight without an ETA or visa. Had the trip been in a single booking, then yes, but with separate tickets, most likely Sydney will be considered your final destination by check-in staff in Singapore.

So if you wish to embark on this trip, I emphatically recommend you to get a transit visa, which is free


You must advise check-in/transfer staff at both Sydney and Singapore that you are utilising TWOV arrangements.

Airlines flying into and out of Australia utilise the Advance Passenger Processing system to determine whether you can board. If you advise them you are transiting and provide them the required documentation, they can enter your details into the system as a transit passenger. Otherwise, the system will assume that Australia is your final destination, and since you do not have a visa, will deny you boarding.

Here's an FAQ from the Department advising airline staff on how to process transit passengers.

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