Park or lake with jogging and outdoor gym in Kuala Lumpur?


Accepted answer

The Botanical Gardens actually fulfilled all my prerequisites except the outdoor gym.

  • It's about a 25 minute walk straight to the west of Chinatown.
  • If not actually natural it's certainly nicely landscaped and full of trees and plants.
  • It has a lake in one section though not a huge one.
  • It has quite a few paths running all around it and a small number of local joggers.

It even has a very large childrens' playground, parts of which are useable for chin-ups. And at least when we were there not many kids were using it so we weren't disturbing anyone.

Next time I went to the Botanical Gardens I found a very crummy outdoor gym at a site that's mostly dug up for something new. It was only good for a couple of leg exercises though and didn't have any of the machines you see in parks around the world, nor did it have a chin-up bar or anything else for upper-body fitness.

(I'd still love to hear about another place with a half-decent outdoor gym if one is reachable without a car.)


It's a little bit of a walk but if you go to Universiti station and either bus/walk/taxi to the entrance of the university campus there's a outdoor gym there and a path for running.

Haven't found anything else in around the core area.

Hope that helps.


Natural, open areas are not a strong suit for Kuala Lumpur.

Potential sites (both are near public transportation, neither have chin-up bars):

  • ASEAN sculpture garden (not natural, not particularly big, no water, but the area around it is natural and shaded in places)
  • Merdeka square (big, not natural, not shaded, no bodies of water).

Here's a running route map from the JW Marriott in Kuala Lumpur: running route map JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur

I think most locals go to gyms for running and pull-ups.

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