Overstayed in UK on student visa


Should I be concerned about my past history in UK?

Yes. Overstaying with voluntary departure would attract an automatic 12 month entry ban. However, entry may still be refused if the border officer doubts your intentions when you present yourself at the border. Having a previous overstay makes it quite likely that they will suspect you to not truly be transiting the UK. They may suspect you intend to overstay again, and can deny you entry on that basis.

Should I be worried about being already flagged up in their system?

Certainly. All passengers who leave the UK have their details sent to the Home Office. In this way, overstayers are identified, if they have an entry to the UK without a corresponding exit. The system is not perfect, but you must assume they are aware you overstayed.

How about if i opt for SAR to check what they have on my file?

It wouldn't hurt, but personally, I would avoid transiting the UK.

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