Will the lack of an entry stamp for return to Nepal from India be a problem for me at US CBP?


It's quite common to not get entry and/or exit stamps for all countries you visit.

Sometimes the people are just lazy, sometimes they forget, sometimes they're too busy and just wave you through. And sometimes there's no way to get stamps at all as you never see an actual person (thinking of the ever more common automated border entry points where you shove your passport in a reader and the machine checks it to your fingerprint and photo).

I've for example not had an entry stamp for my home country, EVER, nor an exit stamp. Same for many countries I've visited. And I've never had a problem visiting anywhere as a result (in fact the only minor problem I've ever had was when my passport was damaged abroad, on returning home I was reminded to replace it as technically it was invalidated because of a small tear the checkin desk who'd damaged it had fixed with sticky tape).


I don't think that is a requirement to prove that you haven't been to one of the countries subject to a geographic COVID-19 ban within the last 14 days, beyond your declaration that you haven't been there. If the need for proof comes up, you can try to find any receipt or appointment notice from Nepal, or anything else that places you in Nepal between your return to Nepal and 14 days ago.

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