Yes you can use your italian ID.
In Spain you can enter with Italian ID, as written in this Spain travel website
If you are a citizen of a EU country, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein, you will need a valid passport or ID card.
and regarding going back to UK, as written in UK gov website
Youβre from an EEA country or Switzerland You can enter the UK with either a valid passport or a national identity card issued by a EEA country.
I've had friends with the old style carta d'identitΓ get into the UK and I constantly see it when coming back into Schengen, although I only used the new CIE, I have had no problem using mine. I don't think you'll have a problem either.
In the interests of completeness, it's worth mentioning that there are signs when entering the UK which warn that processing Italian ID cards is slower than passports or other EU ID cards. They don't have any modern electronic reader or digital signature technology, so the border official probably has to consult an online database to check that it's not a fake. So you may need to allow more margin for connections when travelling without your passport.
Today I had a bad episode. I am an Italian citizen with an Italian ID and I was travelling from Edinburgh, UK (where I live) to Alicante, Spain, and the police (at the spot where passports are checked) would not let me in! They asked to see another document, so I showed my driving license, the only other thing I had, but it still was not enough. The policeman went on shouting that I needed a passport to get in and finally exclaimed "I am doing you a favour for this time, go get a passport!".
I was speechless but glad I could get in. I have travelled all over Europe with my Italian ID card.
When asking the airport info point later, the guy first said that I should not have had problems with it, then he checked something and said that since the UK is not part of the Schengen I needed a passport. However, when I checked online later, it said that to enter Spain you need either a passport or a ID card as a EU national. I believe it is the police that does not even know facts, but I will do more research.