Can I use a telephoto lens during takeoff or landing?


It is highly depend on airline and crew. Even if general rule allow it, the crew has right to forbid it. For example, the Air China forbid usage of the phone even in flight mode during all flight. (It should be turned off).

I would definitely try to take photos but I would rather take you camera from the bag only after the pilot has told crew members to take their seats, just few seconds before take off. You can put your camera bag under the seat in front of you for easier access.


Something that heavy is likely to constitute a serious hazard should an emergency situation occur during take off or landing, and thus you will almost certainly be told to stow it should any cabin crew spot it.

Its worth noting that the question you link to has, in its top answer, as the very first paragraph:

There are no specific regulations against taking photos during take off and landing - as long as you are not endangering the crew and passengers.

It would be hard to argue that something that is nearly 1.4KG in weight would not constitute a danger to the crew or passengers in an emergency situation...

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