There is no need to mention that you had a previous visa refusal. The consulate has access to your old record and they know the previous condition with you. So i don't think there is a need for such kind of information to be mentioned.
No, there is no affects occur on your future travel plan if your Canadian visa is refused. You have to simply fill all important information including your name and apply again. I think this is not a big issue. So don't worry about that.
Yes, this will (at least slightly) impact future applications. As you write your visa was refused and there is no way around it. So in future applications (including but not limited to US, UK, Schengen), when asked, you will need to specify that you have previously been refused a visa (typically there is a box for explanations). However that is not a deal-breaker in itself if you have a good explanation and if the refusal has been fixed by re-applying with a good itinerary in your name and a subsequently granted visa.