Short version: It's technically not enough, but in practice they'll probably let you on the plane anyway.
Long version: TSA's official list of acceptable IDs requires "valid" ID, and an expired passport is by definition not valid. Unofficially, expired US passports not more than a year old are OK. The only foreign ID accepted is passports, foreign identity cards are not enough.
However... valid ID is not an absolute requirement, and in the TSA's own words, "Not having an ID does not necessarily mean a passenger won't be allowed to fly. If passengers are willing to provide additional information, we have other means of substantiating someone's identity, like using publicly available databases." So if you can bring any other ID-like documents with you, incl. foreign ID, drivers licenses, credit cards etc, they'll probably let you through, although this will take time and is a bit uncertain.
But I would still recommend renewing your passport. You'll need it if you ever want to leave the US. And getting a local state driver's license would also be handy.