Why did BA want to read the sequence number from my boarding pass?


Accepted answer

The boarding system will also beep and flash red if there is a problem with the boarding pass, or if it was unable to verify the information on the ticket.

Although this might not have been what occurred with your pass, the gate agent may have incorrectly concluded that something was wrong, and decided to check you in manually (or at least, verify that you had been checked in correctly).

In many airline systems, the sequence number is the easiest way to manually check someone in. (For other airlines, it's the seat number - although that has the disadvantage that it can change where the sequence number is fixed).

I can only guess, but I suspect the agent was after the sequence number. Why use the one on the "back" of the boarding pass? Because by doing that they are confirming that what you are showing is not just a static image/screenshot that you took or modified manually, but instead an actual boarding pass being displayed by their app.

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