Is it possible to enter Belgium without a return ticket?


Accepted answer

As mentioned here:

Applying for a short-stay C visa
proof that youโ€™ll be returning to your home country, for example, evidence that you have a job back home or own property there โ€“ or a return ticket in your name.

So if your sister got a job back in Mexico, or own a property she's good to go. However, if she got neither of those, this might cause trouble.

Another source says:

When you receive confirmation of the issue of the visa, add the proof of the transport that you will use to reach Belgium (non-transferable return ticket in your name). This proof is not required when you lodge the visa application, to avoid unnecessary costs. On the other hand, proof of the reservation of a return ticket may be demanded.

So this means that entering without a return ticket is a risk - if they'll demand to see a reservation, she's in trouble.

All in all, tough situation - sorry I don't bring better news.

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