Australian visa and criminal convictions


Even though driving offences can be on your criminal records, your sentence implies it is not what is meant by the visa condition. The link clearly says about detainment/imprisonment periods. You shouldn't worry considering you were not even fined. Sentences can be either imprisonment or cash penalties. I dont think license/driving suspension are considered a sentence at all.


I'm fairly certain that that clause is talking about actual criminal convictions which you went to trial for and served (or were on probation for) a 12+ month sentence.

However, going to Australia is a long trip, and I've seen people turned back at the airport before. I would suggest that you write a letter / send an e-mail to the Australian Consulate to clear it with them before you purchase a ticket. Calling them is okay for short questions but I think you'd get a better answer if you ask in writing.


That snippet you provided refers to time behind bars - in jail - in any case write to your local Australian embassy or consulate in the UK for advice.

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