Why did the French concede Mosul to British Iraq?


Accepted answer

Found information in the JSTOR article France's Middle Eastern Ambitions, the Sykes-Picot Negotiations, and the Oil Fields of Mosul, 1915-1918*:

Georges Clemenceau ceded Mosul during a Sunday conversation at the French Embassy in London on December 1st 1918. Possibly for one or more of these three reasons:

  1. Removal of a source of friction with their British ally, as France's primary goals at the time were Eurocentric.
  2. To forestall a complete revision of the Skyes-Picot Agreement regarding the partition of the Ottoman empire: Giving away Mosul in order to keep control of Syria and Lebanon.
  3. The British (David Lloyd George) might have promised to share exploitation of much as 50% of the oil found in Mosul.
    • But the oil sharing reason is disputed because a French negotiator (Philippe Berthelot) stated in a private letter that the French abandoned their claims on Mosul and Palestine without obtaining anything (directly) in return.

I suggest reading the entire article to dig into the backstory.

* Had to get a MyJSTOR account to read it.

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