Did Edith Wilson influence the passage of the 19th Amendment?


Accepted answer

As Abraham Lincoln once said, 75% of the stuff on the internet is made up. Searching for "Edith Wilson" Women's suffrage reveals,

"Not only did she oppose women’s suffrage, but. . . " woodrowwilsonhouse.org

The very active woman suffrage movement won no support from Edith Wilson. When her husband ordered the arrest of suffragists demonstrating in front of the White House in 1917, she referred to them as “those devils in the workhouse.” Britannica

"While some have argued that in those months Edith took up the mantle of President of the United States—and was therefore the first woman to do so—evidence and her own memoirs suggest that she did not act to directly shape policy, rather she simply determined what issues were important enough to be brought directly to her husband’s attention. More often than not, most were sidelined until the President more fully recovered. " woodrowwilsonhouse.org


Constitutional amendments are one of the few constitutional realms where the Executive branch has little role. It can of course have a leadership role, principally with Congress where the POTUS himself has leverage (particularly with his own party). That leverage rests largely on the POTUS's popularity with voters and ability to campaign for/against a legislator.

Of course after his stroke in Octover 1919, Wison was not in any shape to be pressuring anyone, literally or figuratively. More importantly, by then it had already passed Congress, and was with the States. In fact, nearly half of the required states (17 of the required 36) had already ratified it.

It still did end up being a close thing. The political calculus for a state ratifying an amendment changes a great deal after it has already been ratified, turning it into a position statement with no practical affect. That being said, post-national ratification only one more state ratified it that year, and after that only 2 more that decade.

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