Are there records of any American slave owner treat their slave well?


And what was "average"? The treatment of slaves varied wildly in time and space, depending on function, market conditions, etc. etc.
Someone's personal servant would be treated better than some random farmhand, whether free or slave for example.
And over time imports became rarer, thus prices higher, leading to more benefits in treating them better so they'd live longer.
Ditto with slaves more than minimally trained/skilled at their jobs. They were valuable commodities, just as senior staff are valuable now and paid better than interns.
It's simple economics, if they die before earning more than the cost of purchase and upkeep you've run a loss on your purchase. So you want to treat them well enough that they stay alive and can work a decent job, but not so well that they eat up all the money they earn you. Again, the same as companies and how they treat their staff now, especially in industries where there are far more people looking for jobs than open positions (and thus quitting your job is risky and companies can get away with offering poor conditions because there's always someone willing to accept them over social security or unemployment money).


Supposedly George Washington treated his personal man-servant William Lee with respect. As a house slave, he was given responsibilities and privileges that field laborers were not. He served Washington before and throughout the Revolutionary War and was often at his side ready to provide whatever was requested. Washington's patrician dignity was famous and his sense of noblesse oblige compelled him to treat his personal slaves with respect.

William Lee was granted freedom in George Washington's will along with a pension of thirty dollars a year and the right to live at Mount Vernon, which he did until the end of his life.


You would do well to get a copy of the autobiography of Fredric Douglass: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Its a short read, and worst case should be available in any decent library.

Prior to his escape, Douglass served under several different masters in various places in the South, so it works as a bit of a survey.

Of course people vary by personality (which you will see in the book), but in general conditions were considered worse the further into The South you got. This is how we got the term for being seriously screwed over: sold down the river (referring to the southerly-flowing Mississippi river system). The narrative bears this out as well.

The Deep South may have earned this reputation due to the larger more corporate plantations there, due to the greater acceptance of the morality of slavery in those areas, or even due to the hot weather making people more cranky. But it definitely had a worse reputation.

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