To what extent was Niccolo Machiavelli's views representative of the views in Italy's renaissance?


Probably "little, or not at all." Judging from the opprobrium with which his views were received at the time (and later).

Machiavelli was what we would now call a "geek" or "nerd." That is, a "calculating machine." A (mostly) rational person who is also considered socially inept because he doesn't adhere to the social conventions of the time.

From the passage cited by the OP: [A prince] "must have a mind disposed to adapt itself according to the wind, and as the variations of fortune dictate, and, as I said before, not deviate from what is good, if possible, but be able to do evil if constrained."

Machiavelli was not "Machiavellian" as we might understand the term: (devious). His "crime" was (inadvertently) challenging the "divine right" of kings and princes. For instance, he tells in detail of a shoemaker's son who "thought" his way up to becoming the tyrant of Syracuse. The idea of someone "systematically" making himself a ruler was a "no-no" for his time. This, instead, was a matter of talent and ultimately birth; it was either something you had, or didn't. It was not something to be achieved.

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