Communist Party member Stances on Molotov Ribbentrop Soviety German Treaty


  1. What justification did the Soviet Union give to anti-fascist Communist Party members?

The Communist International (Comintern) would be the best representative of the official policy that party members were expected to follow:

At the start of World War II, the Comintern supported a policy of non-intervention, arguing that the war was an imperialist war between various national ruling classes, much like World War I had been, but when the Soviet Union itself was invaded on 22 June 1941, the Comintern changed its position to one of active support for the Allies.

Looking into background of the exiled persons, who were Comintern party functionaries, living in the Hotel Lux might give you some further insight. Until Leon Trotsky death in August 1940, however, they pretty much did as they were told.


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