OP answering own question. I found the answer shortly after posting the question. As they say, properly formulating a question gets you half way to answering it.
The relevant passage seems to be the following.
Russian original:
Приложение 2. Перечень и параметры объектов Черноморского флота Российской Федерации в городе Севастополе [...] Итого в составе Черноморского флота Российской Федерации на территории Украины военнослужащих - 25 тыс. человек, включая 1987 человек в морской пехоте и морской авиации наземного базирования.
English translation by DeepL:
Annex 2. List and parameters of the Russian Federation Black Sea Fleet facilities in the city of Sevastopol [...] The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine has a total of 25,000 servicemen, including 1,987 men in the Marines and land-based naval aviation.