Where to read the "Agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on the Parameters of the Division of the Black Sea Fleet" of May 28, 1997?


Accepted answer

OP answering own question. I found the answer shortly after posting the question. As they say, properly formulating a question gets you half way to answering it.

The relevant passage seems to be the following.

Russian original:

Приложение 2. Перечень и параметры объектов Черноморского флота Российской Федерации в городе Севастополе [...] Итого в составе Черноморского флота Российской Федерации на территории Украины военнослужащих - 25 тыс. человек, включая 1987 человек в морской пехоте и морской авиации наземного базирования.

English translation by DeepL:

Annex 2. List and parameters of the Russian Federation Black Sea Fleet facilities in the city of Sevastopol [...] The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine has a total of 25,000 servicemen, including 1,987 men in the Marines and land-based naval aviation.

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