What is an antimendicant?


Accepted answer

The Franciscans here represent the mendicant movement; local bishops were unable to control them through the usual clerical channels, due to the lack of property. The antimendicant movement also found backing from some of the previously established clerical orders, such as the Dominicans. It was a hot issue during the 14th century. See below for a book that covers some of the controversy, being an academic study of one of the antimendicant publications of that time.

Central to the friars’ identity (particularly the Franciscans’) was the concept of voluntary poverty. The friars claimed that they owned nothing and that in doing so, they were following directly in Christ’s footsteps. Fitzralph challenged these assertions in a treatise, the De pauperie salvatoris. The dispute between Fitzralph and the mendicants escalated and resulted in a papal commission to investigate his allegations. He died in 1360, before the commission had reached a verdict but his texts were widely circulated and influential in later anti-mendicant attacks. Another copy of the De pauperie salvatoris is found in MS 103, alongside texts by the most prominent of all medieval critics of the friars, John Wyclif (c.1320-1384).

The Friars in Ireland 1224-1540 by Colmán Ó Clabaigh (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2012)

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