Was Catalonia ever a sovereign state?


Was Catalonia ever a sovereign nation? Not quite, but it has come close.


  • The Catalan Counties were de facto ruled by Barcelona and declared independence from France. They eventually merged into the Count of Aragon. Although Catalonia was sovereign, the concept of nationalism didn't really exist before the 1700s.

  • The Catalan Republic declared independence in 1931 but immediately caved in to the central government.

  • Revolutionary Catalonia existed from 1936 to 1939. However, revolutionary Catalonia pretended to not be a state, and only controlled part of Catalonia.


As Confold remarked, a "sovereign nation" is a modern concept that does not apply to medieval times. Since 12 to 18 century there existed a Principality of Catalonia, which was ruled by a Count of Barselona. At various times it was dependent of Aragon, Spain or France.

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