Is there evidence that German soldiers tried to prevent the Jedwabne Pogrom?


The notion that Germans would protect Jews from Poles is preposterous on its face.

Contrary to what the media says, the IPN is not the last word on the subject of Jedwabne. There are Jewish sources that point to the Germans, and not the Poles, as the main killers of Jedwabne's Jews. For instance, click on amazon review, read it, and then click on the links within the review and comment, and read them:

  1. These so-called "multiple government investigations" echoed the IPN, and, contrary to what the media says, it did NOT establish who burned the Jews of Jedwabne in the barn. Allow me to quote the English-language part of WOKOL JEDWABNEGO, the Proceedings volume--specifically the statement of investigator Pawel Machcewicz:

"Another controversy surrounds the role of the Germans who were present at Jedwabne on July 10, 1941. The available sources show that there was a total of between ten and twenty German (gendarmes and Gestapo) functionaries. Violence may have been used against the Polish residents, but at the same time, many of the sources suggest it was relatively easy to avoid the role that was being forced on them. The testimonies varied and none of the participants or witnesses could have included all of what had occurred. AS A RESULT, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE CONCLUSIVELY JUST WHAT THE GERMAN ROLE ACTUALLY WAS IN THAT LAST, MOST TRAGIC PHASE--THE BURNING ALIVE OF JEDWABNE'S JEWISH RESIDENTS IN THE BARN. The sources present contradictory and imprecise descriptions of the Germans' behavior, and historians' assessments also vary greatly."

(Volume 1, p. 491; emphasis added. For elaboration, see also Vol. 1, pp. 48-49).

There. That should make it clear.

In addition, the Jewish sources that I had cited cannot be ignored.

  1. The history of pogroms, going back even to the 17th century (!), is irrelevant. It's like saying that, since Jews killed Canaanites over 3500 years ago, Jews therefore killed those people they are accused of killing today.

  2. It does not follow that, just because some Germans were Jewish, they acted to save Jews. In fact, some German Jews in these units actually participated in the Holocaust themselves.

Otherwise, the fact that Jews and half-Jews served in the Wehrmacht and SS hardly establishes credence that German units (as opposed to isolated German individuals) protected the Jews. Individual Germans had to follow the orders given their units, and could only act in accordance with such orders, which certainly would not call for the rescue of Jews!

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