Differences between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the books of Moses


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There are substantial differences in ancient manuscripts and modern received texts of the Pentateuch. It is not a question of one or two "passages". There are different competing readings throughout all the books and they are extensive. I have examined photostatic fragments of some of the scrolls and minor differences from the received text are present in virtually every stanza.

In most cases the differences are just spelling and grammar variants, but in some cases the meaning may be different in some way. The questions of differences in readings can be quite problematic for the non-specialist. Politically there is self-censorship and few scholars are willing to publish readings that vary from the accepted meanings. The problem is complex because in many cases spellings can be exact but the meaning is different according to vowel pronunciations which may or may not be present as diacritics.

As just one example of this, a complete and intact text of the Book of Enoch was discovered at Qumran and in addition there is a very old Greek papyrus fragment of Enoch (Oxyrhynchus 2069), yet no published work dares to provide readings from these manuscripts.

An easy way to get a sense for the differences is to read the Samaritan Pentateuch which is published in English and is closer to the Qumran texts than the Masoretic text. As just one example from the Ten Commandments, Exodus 34:20,

Samaritan Text:

You shall redeem the blood of all your first-born sons.

Masoretic Text (and Septuagint):

You shall redeem all your first-born sons. [The word ADM (blood) is missing]

Originally, the blood was the sacrificial commodity, being drained from the body of the person or animal being sacrificed. In the Masoretic text, the word "blood" was deleted to try to hide this fact, but in the Samaritan text the word was never removed.

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