Would Plutarch be considered a historian by modern standards?


If you believe that the writing of Biographies is inherently historical, then yes, Plutarch could be viewed as a Historian by "Modern standards". However, if you believe that the writing of Biographies is independent and distinct from traditional or conventional historical analysis/historiography, then no, Plutarch is not a Historian by "Modern standards".


No. Plutarch would not be considered a historian from the modern standard of academic or professional history. Plutarch lacked the equivalent of a modern University's research degree in history. Plutarch did not work in a context of post 19th century historiography. In particular Plutarch's writing of "history" for moral instruction is greatly frowned upon amongst modern historians.

Can we trust Plutarch's opinions and what he writes? No. Can we trust any text? No. Who should we trust most about Plutarch's text, if we are not an expert historian on Plutarch and his era? Modern historians whose opinions have been subject to peer review.

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