Identifying a ship in Sydney Harbour


Having a date for that picture might be helpful, but my best guess is that is a picture of the RMS Mauretania, taken in the spring of 1940 while she was in Sydney harbor (along with the 3-funnel Queen Mary) to pick up troops for deployment to the Middle East. The paint scheme is fairly distinctive, as the all-gray was a wartime paint job. During peacetime she had a black and white paint job to help her stand out, whereas you can only see one tone of color in this photo.

Here's a photo of her underway with the wartime paint job. enter image description here

Here's a website that goes into a nice bit of detail about her trip to Sydney harbor along with the Queen Mary (a 3-funnel ship). Incredibly, there's even a video showing both of them during their wartime duty, some of it shot in Sydney I believe.

Another possibility is the Queen Elizabeth, which looked very much like the Mauretania on the outside, and was also used as a troopship during the war.

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