Did Engels and Welles ever call for the extermination of Basques and Serbs?


Accepted answer

This may be referring to The Magyar Struggle, from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 (emphasis mine):

There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined fragments of peoples, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these residual fragments of peoples always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.

Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.

Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.

Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.

Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the residual fragment of peoples, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.

Engels wrote quite a bit about Pan-Slavism following the First Pan-Slav Congress (much of it in this same vein), but this is the only explicit reference that I can find in some casual searching that mentions extermination.

As far as Wells goes, I'm guessing the someone from your scribble may have been referring to this line from A Modern Utopia:

There is only one sane and logical thing to be done with a really inferior race, and that is to exterminate it.

Based on some of the dialog on the talk page for Wells on Wikiquotes...

This quote mine originated with creationist scholar Richard Weikart in his cunning and dishonest book "From Darwin to Hitler" in which he attempts to blame Christians mass-murdering Jews on Charles Darwin. Because Weikart's hoax was popular with creationists, it has been copied onto many creationist websites. Weikart wrote as follows:

'Ideas about racial extermination were not unique to Germany, but became very influential elsewhere also. H. G. Wells epitomized an influential Anglo-American social Darwinist attitude when he stated that "there is only one sane and logical thing to be done with a really inferior race, and that is to exterminate it."'

...it seems like this has been repeated in quite a few other secondary sources in a context of advocating genocide. I'll defer judgment of whether this was taken out of context to the reader.


This is part of the movie "The Soviet story", title is "Marks and Engels about Serbs". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS4xOYFHMGw According to this movie the answer to question is yes, Engels did call for the extermination of Basques and Serbs.

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