How are angels and humans different?



A religious sister at the end of the Faith Formation class I teach at was talking about this difference last night.

  • Angels are pure spirit, like God.

    "Angel is their office, Spirit is their nature" - St. Augustine (see CCC)

  • Angels do not need to be saved by Jesus.

    They made their choice to serve God or not before time began and do not have a fallen nature brought about by original sin.

  • Angels cannot consume the Eucharist.

    Some theologians believe that this, coupled with the vision that Jesus would come to redeem mankind and be born of a woman, is the reason for Lucifer's revolt.

Catechism entry on angels

The internet does not seem to be a good place to source this info, or my google-fu is a little off. Most of what we posit about the nature of angels is borne of private revelation.

So take it or leave it, I'll try to improve this answer when I come across the places I heard this information.

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