Where does the Bible talk about marriage to non-Christians?


Accepted answer

The history of the Israelites from the period of Joshua through the Kings is one big warning about intermarrying with other peoples.

  • Joshua adjures the people not to let any men, women, or children in Canaan survive, lest they be a temptation. (Indeed, Rahab is singled out not to be killed* as the exception.)
  • Solomon is chastised for taking concubines from other lands
  • Jezebel, the wife of Ahab is a constant source of temptation to go to other gods, especially Baal.
  • Ruth is seen as extraordinary, being a Moabite, but nonetheless willing to become a Jew for inclusion in the promise.

In every case during this period where foreign wives are mentioned, it is considered a bad thing. Only where foreign wives are willing to drop their identity and join the people of the Land is it ever commended in Scripture.

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