Are other flood legends relevant to Christians?


Accepted answer

Relevant? Yes. Universally viewed as supportive? No.

Scholars disagree on this. Some use those other accounts to lend credence to the Biblical account. Other scholars say that it is evidence that the author of Genesis stole from those accounts to make up the flood. Either way, it is a relevant discussion without universal agreement.

(In my personal opinion I think the other accounts give the Biblical account credibility)


The exhaustive list of other flood legends from around the world are relevant as supporting evidence to the story of the Bible. If there were no other mention of the flood in any other culture, we would wonder how such a significant event was not remembered, when the dispersion on of people occurred a relatively short time after the flood in the biblical account.

The fact that so many cultures retain stories of the flood suggests that the biblical account is at least tenable.

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