How does the Bible justify geocentrism?


The only error here that needs resolution is your false premise and incorrect reading of the text. The Bible is not a scientific journal and includes many different literary genres. Your mistake is reading it in a way it was not meant to be read.

Even today with our advanced technical and scientific understanding of the universe, it is common to speak of "sunset"/"sunrise" and "the sun going down"/"the sun coming up". Even in the 21st century we don't bother with the technical explanation of the earth's rotation in every day speech, we use loose approximations based on observation from a limited perspective. To a chap standing on the ground it does kind of look like the sun is rising and setting, even if we know perfectly well about the orbit and spin of the planet.

Unless you want to assert that every modern use of terms like "sunrise" are geocentrism, then your assertion that the Bible supports geocentrism is inconsistent with the way you use language.

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