Which is closer to traditional Christian doctrine: Judaism or Mary Baker Eddy?


Accepted answer

Christian doctrine/the bible lays out the matter of sin and the remedy for it. Rather than everyone dying the death that broken law/sin deserves, Jesus offered himself to die for all instead.

Humanity is not evil in any way. It was created in the likeness of God who is holy and perfect in love etc.

Evil is an influence on humanity just as the spirit of God is an influence for good. The evil influence comes from the present 'god of this world', the devil. 2Cor 4:4

It was present in the garden of Eden with the first humans and will remain until he is banished as mentioned in Rev. All men remain under this influence until God opens the eyes and restores true sight John 9:39, 6:55

Judaism understood that they required a savior and experienced this in many ways as types of Jesus who was the one to come via Moses, David, Sampson, Joseph etc, They understood this from the writer of Gen who spoke of the one to come, the seed of the woman to defeat the evil one Gen 3.

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