St Augustine's saying on redemption


The closest I can come to accurately answering this question is by the following: MORS MORTIS MORTEM MORTI NON VICISSET, JANUA ETERNI SCRIPSISSET[i] {mancisset[i][um]} CLAUSUM meaning:

If the death of death of Janua(Feast in the Holy Name of Jesus which takes place between January 1st and 6th) is not/has not been conquered, then the (eternal written[scripts/rights/entryway]) would remain locked shut in clausum/a.

I know this may be confusing to understand and read but I spent the last few hours researching my latin notes from the last few years of my latin studying. I have about 4 or 5 years under my belt. It is rather difficult as some of these words I have never experienced. I hope this helps you understand a bit more if it doesn't completely answer you which I'm sure it does not.

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