Is Cyrus the Messiah?


Accepted answer

The original Hebrew word being used here is רֹעִי (ro·'i),[1][2], which does indeed translate as "shepherd" according to Strong's Concordance.[3][4]


Take this answer as a complement. As Waggers said, the word being used is רֹעִי (ro·'i) and it means shepherd. (This is in Isaiah 44:28)

But the Jewish commentary sheds light on this issue, because Rashi comments that shepherd is used as a metaphor for king.

On Isaiah 45:1, it is said that Cyrus is the anointed:

This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus [...]

The words used are לִמְשִׁיחוֹ לְכוֹרֶשׁ, which according to Strong's concordance is "anointed" or "messiah"; but in general it refers to a consecrated person with a special mission. In this case it is being said that Cyrus will be an instrument of God to facilitate the return to Zion.

And again, Rashi's commentary complements it remembering how the word anointed is used as a title:

Every title of greatness is called anointing. Comp. (Num. 18:8) “To you I have given them for greatness (לְמָשְׁחָה).” [greatness=portion (NIV); greatness=by the reason of the anointing (KJV); pro oficio sacerdotali legitima (vulgate)]

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