Is it wrong for a Christian to prefer (within the body of Christ) a marriage partner of a race different than his own?


There is no scripture that condemns interracial marriage. We MUST go by scripture and not 'what seems', or 'what person xxx believes'. If the Word is silent on a particular subject, then we have to ask Him to reveal to us.

Since you cannot find any scriptures described, the answer should be obvious-- it is not sin regardless of what anyone thinks unless they can quote you book, chapter and verse of a scripture that states otherwise.


The question is based on the assumption that race exists.

Biblical terminology for race has been used to classify human races, based on proposed Biblical lineage from the Table of Nations in Genesis 10, since antiquity.

The early modern biblical division of the world's races into Semites, Hamites and Japhetites was coined at the GΓΆttingen School of History in the late 18th century – in parallel with the color terminology for race which divided mankind into five colored races.

Identifying human races in terms of skin color, at least as one among several physiological characteristics, has been common since antiquity. Via rabbinical literature, the division is received in early modern scholarship, mostly in four to five categories. It was long recognized that the number of categories is arbitrary and subjective. François Bernier (1684) doubted the validity of using skin color as a racial characteristic, and Charles Darwin emphasized the gradual differences between categories. Modern genetics has completely nullified the concept of there being multiple human races.

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