How does "being born a sinner" compare to "being born perfect" affect one's outlook on life and problem solving?


As Jeremiah says, the heart is deceitful and wicked above all things, who can know it?

Part of the point of the doctrine of original sin is that man is born so twisted that he is not fully capable of choosing right and wrong, even if our conscious and revealed law were somehow able to guide us correctly. Because we are unable to make a valid choice, God must reach out to sinners to give them the ability to choose him, whether that is ante previsa merita or post previsa merita.

This is why Christians must rely on grace. Christians (especially those who subscribe to total depravity) fundamentally find our sin condition to render us unable to perfect ourselves. We cry out to God who makes us perfect in our weakness, rather than assuming that we can save ourselves.


The issue here is not a matter of preference, but one of reality. If it were actually true that we were all born perfect, then we should certainly believe that. However, that is certainly not reality. Only a very few people ever believe they are perfect and were born that way, and that is not a sentiment shared by those around them.

So, the question could be reworded to ask, "Is it better to believe something that is true or to believe something that is false?" Indeed, the answer is that it is far better to believe what is true. It is true that we were all born sinners, so we should accept that truth and work from there.

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