Should dating couples who put themselves regularly to the occasion of sin be granted absolution if they do not have a will to avoid such situations?


Accepted answer

couple which regularly […] put themselves in a situation where they are alone

A non-married man and woman cohabiting is called concubinage (β‰’fornication).

Cardinal Cajetan, O.P., in his penitential manual Summula de peccatis pp. 51-52, concisely defines concubinage and how one is to repent of it:

The vice of concubinage is to be detested, & why.
The vice of concubinage does not only include the mortal sin of fornication, but the state of mortal sin is added to it. And therefore to be truly repentant of this sin, the omission not only of carnal acts but also the departure from such a state is required.

Vitium concubinatus detestandum, & quare.
Concubinatus non solum includit peccatum mortale fornicationis, se addit statum peccati mortalis. Et propterea ad sui veram pΕ“nitentiam exigit non solum omissionem actus carnalis, sed recessum a tali statu.

Even in English, "to live in [a state of] sin" means "to cohabit outside marriage".

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