Hierarchy and paid clergy of Jehovah's Witnesses church


I can confirm that a hierarchy does exist and noticed that when the circuit overseer visit was happening he was treated with almost celebrity status and everybody got a bit giddy.

On being paid: yes they do get paid and are provided with a car. In the UK it was usually a mid spec Vauxhall Vectra.

I don't know if they get a company pension but it is highly likely.

Not sure of the score with the Governing Body or the reason for your question, but on doing some research it would appear that the governing body are all of American origin. Not sure why, and I don't know who chooses them. I have been told that it's similar to how the Pope is chosen, except that it is with a council of people and prayer.

I was a Witness for twenty years, but left over not believing the generations nonsense.


The entire organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is funded by voluntary donations. There is no "company" that generates money to pay salaries.

Also, most cars that a governing body member gets is either one they bought before they went to serve at a branch office, or given to them by other brothers, or bought after years of saving

As said they don't get a salary, but they do get a monthly stipend as do everyone who serves at a branch office(my brother served at the South Africa branch which is how I know). It is not a lot, but suitable for the country you live in etc.

The governing body is mostly Americans now, but they are not limited to that. In fact many of their helpers are not American (as you can hear/see from watching the monthly broadcasts)

Choosing of a governing body member is done with great prayer and consideration - no one is just chosen and it doesn't matter the type or size of donation they make etc. It is done through the guidance Jehovah's spirit


governing body function

more governing body

paid clergy (same guidelines go for all branch members including the governing body)

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